No Insurance for GMO Farmers

By George Anderson

A report in The Guardian on Tuesday, said insurance companies in the UK are refusing to cover farmers growing genetically modified crops or for others seeking insurance
to cover possible contamination of their crops by GMOs.

According to the report, “The main farming underwriting firms likened the idea of insuring against the dangers of GM to the situation with asbestos, thalidomide and acts of terrorism.
Some had a total exclusion clause so that any damage, which might be associated with GM crops, even arson of farm buildings, nullified insurance claims.”

Moderator’s Comment: What impact will UK insurers refusing to offer liability coverage for genetically modified crops have on their production? How have
American insurance companies covering farming operations handled the GMO issue?

The Guardian reports that Rural Insurance Group, which places business at Lloyds of London, puts genetically modified crops in the same risk category
as “acts of terrorism”.
Anderson – Moderator

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