Canned Coffee Recall What We Know

Photo by Mike Kennealy on Unsplash

Canned Coffee Recall: What We Know

June 25, 2024

Snapchill has voluntarily recalled every one of its canned coffee products due to botulism fears.

According to the recall notification placed on the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) website, the Green Bay, Wisconsin-based company officially recalled almost 300 goods on June 17 due to concerns that they could promote the “growth and production” of botulinum, a potentially fatal toxin. The recall was made public by the FDA on Thursday, June 20.

According to the recall notification, the problem was discovered when the FDA informed Snapchill that its low-acid canned food manufacturing process had not been reported to the organization.

The canned coffee recall was completely voluntary and done with the knowledge of the FDA.

Canned Coffee Recall: What To Look For

The canned coffee items were sold all over the country by a number of retail stores, coffee roasters, and direct online sales from Snapchill. As so many products are potentially affected by the recall, the FDA has created a full list of products available for download and review.

As of right now, there have been no illnesses recorded, and Snapchill is not aware of any incidents where the company’s goods have included the botulin toxin. Snapchill is in the process of submitting the necessary notification to the FDA.

The canned coffee goods are offered in a range of metal can sizes — from 7 to 12 ounces — and under various roaster and brand names. The words “Produced and distributed by Snapchill LLC” appear beneath the nutrition facts panel, identifying the goods. The wording “Snapchill Coffee” on the label of some of the goods also helps to identify them.

Customers are urged to either destroy the affected products or return them to their original point of purchase for a full refund. The company may also be reached by email at or by phone at 920-632-6018.

The Latest Recall: Should Consumers Be Concerned?

The canned coffee recall is due to concerns of botulism, a rare but serious disease that causes breathing problems, muscle paralysis, and even death when not treated.

So, with this latest recall, should consumers be concerned about the quality of products in their supermarkets? Not necessarily. According to experts, the rise in product recalls is indicative of a strong system of checks and balances.

Chris Harvey, senior vice president of brand protection at Sedgwick, stated, “Regulators have started off 2024 as expected, continuing the high rate of enforcement activity and introducing new regulations and rules to improve product safety amidst an ever-growing list of risks.”

Since allergies, illnesses, and safety concerns have always existed, there isn’t a single explanation for the increase in recalls. Nevertheless, one theory is that more recalls are being encouraged by the implementation of stronger rules.

The Food Safety Modernization Act, which provided the FDA additional authority to order manufacturer recalls and enact stronger rules, marked the largest overhaul to food safety laws in many decades.

The COVID-19 pandemic led to more strict standards for product safety. The FDA was compelled to undertake a significant amount of its testing and inspections remotely during the peak of the epidemic, according to MasterControl, so the agency had to enact stronger laws to verify that things were safe.

“As product recalls reached a seven-year high in 2023, it is clear that strict regulatory enforcement is more than a passing trend. 2024 will see continued oversight from regulators, policymakers, and consumers, making it essential for businesses to plan and practice for product recalls and in-market crises,” Harvey stated in Sedgwick’s press release.

The canned coffee recall, then, is just the latest sign of a robust system protecting consumers.

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