Chipotle Restaurant in New York City Czichos

Chipotle Introduces ‘Chipotle Boy’ Bowls Targeting Male Finance Professionals

June 19, 2024

Chipotle is acknowledging its most regular customer base as young urban male suited and booted office workers, and it’s launching a meal special to cater specifically to them.

This limited-time offering called the Chipotle Boy Bowl is available on the app and includes the vital two scoops of chicken, black beans, corn, sour cream, cheese, guacamole, white rice, lettuce, and mild salsa.

As reported in Bustle, Jackson McHenry, a New York-based writer, describes a “Chipotle Boy” as a young man who frequently orders from the Mexican chain more than what might be considered normal or safe. In a post on X, he said, “Overheard two twenty-something women discussing the concept of a ‘chipotle boy,’ apparently a boy who eats chipotle 5-7 days a week, ‘the chipotle boys are everywhere.’” According to Bustle, these individuals choose convenience over novelty and speed over style.

The Mexican fast-food chain posted an announcement on X to kick things off, including images that make up the “Chipotle Boy Starter Pack,” such as a MacBook, AirPods, aviators, and a puffy vest.

The company has used a direct approach to catch the eyes of its target audience. The listing features a collage of the bowl image, a group of young finance professionals, and a spreadsheet, along with a message that reads, “You know who you are.”

Many loyal customers have previously told Bustle that Chipotle “ticks all the boxes” of convenience, speed, and nutritional value. Bustle reported, “After all, who needs variety when you have the intoxicating promise of optimization?”

Bustle also found that many customers were picking up their orders from nearby locations to their workplaces to eat at their desks.

According to Business Insider, trying to customize the Chipotle Boy Bowl sets off a warning that changes might make it ineligible for the promotional price.

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