HHS Secretary Thompson Talks Tough

By George Anderson

Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson plans to single out fast feeders as well as food and beverage companies that are doing the best and worst jobs of addressing the nation’s obesity problem.

Reuters quotes Mr. Thompson as saying, “I’m going to start giving out awards and singling out ones that are doing good and the ones that aren’t. If I get in trouble, I get in trouble.”

Moderator’s Comment: What are your thoughts on Secretary
Thompson’s plans and the problem of obesity facing the nation?

Mr. Thompson is simply playing politics here. He gets
to say he’s being tough on a critical health issue without doing anything about

The Secretary would do better to be straight with the
country. Obesity in most cases is a personal responsibility issue. The fault
does not lie with McDonald’s or Coca-Cola. Overweight people (or their parents)
only need look in a mirror to find the guilty party. [George
Anderson – Moderator

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