Daschle Wants COOL Implemented Now

By George Anderson

The recent discovery of mad cow disease has prompted a call by the Senate Democratic leader, Tom Daschle, to call for an immediate implementation of country-of-origin (COOL)
labeling requirements instead of sticking with the two-year waiting period contained in the bill.

Sen. Daschle said, “Given the concern on both sides of the aisle for country-of-origin labeling, especially now with the mad cow incident, I would not be surprised if a number
of Republicans would join us in opposition to the omnibus as it’s currently written.”

Many food industry groups have been vocal in their opposition to COOL, claiming it would do little to improve safety while driving up the cost to consumers.

Chandler Keys, a spokesman for the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association told the New York Times, “We think it’s a marketing issue. It has nothing to do with food safety.”

Moderator’s Comment: Should food industry groups to reconsider their opposition to COOL following the discovery of mad cow disease in Washington state?

Chandler Keys is right that the implementation of COOL is more about marketing than food safety. Politically speaking, the Democrats are looking to market
their party as the one that does the best job of looking out after ordinary Americans.

On the business side, COOL may ultimately prove to be a great “Made in America” marketing tool as consumers react to jobs going overseas, the further demise
of some industries, etc.
Anderson – Moderator

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