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Interview: First Party Data for Retail Marketing

September 20, 2023

1. Why is first party data considered a valuable asset for marketers in today’s digital landscape?

Jason: In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, marketers prioritize first-party data as their most trusted and valuable asset. This data, directly collected from interactions with customers, stands unparalleled in accuracy and relevance, providing a genuine reflection of consumer behavior and preferences. The inherent trustworthiness of first-party data not only enhances personalization efforts but also empowers marketers with precise targeting capabilities. Furthermore, as privacy regulations become more stringent, reliance on first-party data ensures compliance while maintaining a robust connection with audiences, thereby safeguarding the brand’s integrity and consumer trust.

Themes / Takeaways: 

  • Accuracy & Relevance
  •  Building Trust and Transparency
  •  Personalization
  •  Decreased Dependency on 3P Cookies
  •  Cost Effective
  •  Better Segmentation & Targeting
  •  Data Exclusivity! (this is a BIG one also!) 
  •  Enhances Customer Loyalty and Retention

AMW: First-party data is the data that your organization owns. It can be captured across your entire ecosystem of customer touchpoints and it describes who your customers are, what products, services, or capabilities they are interested in when they are engaging with you, where they want to receive information from you, and how they want to be messaged. For a marketer, knowing these details for everyone in your ecosystem from first touch through to loyalty is monumental. In a world where consumers demand their brand interactions be personalized, this data is the only way personalization can be achieved. First-party data isn’t nice to have anymore, it’s a need to have.  

2. What are the primary challenges that marketers face when working with third-party data, and how does first-party data help address these challenges?

Jason: Third-party data presents numerous challenges, from questionable accuracy and relevance to escalating privacy concerns, compliance risks, and increasing dependence on external vendors. Moreover, with technological shifts leading to the reduction of third-party cookies and tracking mechanisms, there’s a noticeable decline in data availability. 

Keywords – 3PD

  • Accuracy and Relevance
  •  Privacy Concerns and Compliance
  •  Dependence on External Vendors
  •  Dwindling Availability

Conversely, first-party data emerges as a game-changer for brands. It offers direct, relevant insights about consumers, fostering a foundation of trust and compliance with privacy regulations. Furthermore, collecting and harnessing first-party data can be more cost-effective in the long run and positions brands advantageously, ensuring they remain resilient amidst the dynamic shifts in the digital data ecosystem.

Keywords – 1PD

  • Direct and Relevant Insights
  •  Privacy and Trust
  •  Cost-Efficiency
  •  Future-Proof Strategy

AMW: Marketers, especially those disintermediated from their end customers have always had a heavy reliance on 3rd party data sources to find audiences. Rather than put time, energy, and money into creating a direct relationship with their customer, there were abundant audiences readily available in the programmatic ad tech ecosystem. This “easy button” for marketers is drawn from questionable sources, delivers unpredictable results, and has trained consumers to expect poorly targeted ads delivered across many channels. Most consumers are “nose blind” to the overwhelming majority of ads that are not delivered in the right place, at the right time, or with the right message. As consumers’ expectations for relevancy and personalization surge ever higher, the marketer’s biggest challenge is shifting from a traditional, promotional calendar model of marketing to a data-driven, always-on approach supported with first-party data. This shift is significant and can have broad impacts on the organization in terms of people, processes, and technology needs. We see too many brands waiting for “the other shoe to drop” before even addressing what needs to be done, let alone doing it. First-party data is the only path forward in the future for organizations that want to grow. Without a solid strategy around leveraging the greatest organizational asset, their own customer data, laggards will struggle to deliver what consumers want which is personalized experiences with the brands they shop. If you can’t deliver it, they will find a brand that can.

3. In what ways does first-party data empower marketers to understand their audience on a deeper level, and how does this understanding translate into more effective messaging and content strategy?

Jason: First-party data equips marketers with the tools to genuinely understand their audience. This understanding is then the bedrock upon which more effective, resonant, and impactful messaging and content strategies are built.

By gleaning genuine insights directly from their audience, marketers can pinpoint specific behaviors, preferences, and needs, leading to refined segmentation and predictive modeling. This comprehensive understanding, in turn, drives tailored content that resonates, an optimized user experience, and enhanced campaign efficiency.

The result? Messaging that not only reaches its intended target but does so with greater relevance and impact, solidifying trust and fostering brand loyalty in an increasingly discerning digital landscape.

AMW: Within a first-party data-enabled organization are all the key points of knowledge necessary to deliver a relevant, personalized message. The Who, What, When, Where, and How of our consumer are all present at a user level, and can be lifted up and highlighted using AI and continuously improved using machine learning. The key is aligning the marketing workflow to this new paradigm. The power of this new data-driven world lies in applying its power differently rather than trying to squeeze it into the traditional marketing workflow. Since the “Mad Men” days marketing workflow has looked like this:

  • Determine the message we want our consumers to hear.
  •  Determine the channels to send it through.
  •  Deliver.
  •  Analyze
  •  Adjust
  •  Repeat.

Creativity is applied at the macro level and according to the seasonal promotional calendar. Aligning personal needs and wants is absent from this process.  

In the new data-driven paradigm, the workflow is quite different we can know the Who, What, When, Where, and How of their brand experience and can have that audience segmentation ready and available in all our preferred channels at all times. In our new data-driven paradigm the workflow looks quite different.

  • Start with the goal in mind. (eg. single purchaser to multi-purchaser, anonymous visitor to opted-in user)
  •  Leverage the audience ready to move to that next goal.
  •  Use the channels that the audience prefers and perform best.
  •  Deliver the messaging aligned to their stage and preferences.
  •  Activate continuously
  •  Allow AI and machine learning to update the profile with learnings from the past.

This new paradigm requires significant shifts in people process and technology, but the effectiveness and performance of this model is unmatched.

4. In what ways does first-party data contribute to improved measurement and attribution models, enabling marketers to better understand the impact of their efforts across different channels and touchpoints?

Jason: First-party data is the cornerstone of modern marketing, offering a holistic and precise view of the customer journey across multiple channels and touchpoints. This proprietary data not only guarantees accuracy but also provides rich, nuanced insights, allowing for the development of tailored attribution models that align with specific business objectives. Such data empowers marketers to make real-time adjustments, optimizing campaign performance and ROI, all while upholding stringent privacy regulations and bolstering consumer trust.


  • Holistic View: Offers a comprehensive look at the customer’s entire journey, highlighting influential channels and touchpoints.
  •  Precision and Accuracy: Reduces discrepancies by relying on proprietary data, ensuring accurate attribution.
  •  Deeper Insights: Access to raw data reveals nuanced customer interactions that might be missed by third-party sources.
  •  Flexibility and Customization: Allow the creation of bespoke attribution models tailored to specific business goals.
  •  Cross-Channel Attribution: Consolidates data from all sources, providing insight into how different channels contribute to conversions.
  •  Real-time Adjustments: Enables quick campaign tweaks based on immediate feedback for improved ROI.
  •  Enhanced Trust and Compliance: Upholds privacy regulations and assures consumers of responsible data usage.


In a robust customer data infrastructure where all consumer activities and actions are held in 360-degree profiles, there is an unprecedented opportunity to leverage insights to fully see the entire customer journey. What was previously invisible can now be seen as the full lifecycle is maintained in the customer profile. The ability to build rich attribution models, across paid and owned channels is the holy grail for marketers and a reality that lives within their first-party data.

5. What advice would you give to marketers who are just starting to explore the potential of their first-party data? How can they begin harnessing it effectively to enhance their marketing efforts?

Jason: Marketers venturing into the world of first-party data should view it as a goldmine of direct customer insights. A successful approach starts by auditing and ensuring the quality of the data at hand. Leveraging the right technology, like a CDP, helps in managing this valuable asset. It’s vital to segment this data to personalize campaigns, continuously refine strategies through testing, and ensure compliance with evolving regulations. As the digital landscape shifts, keeping teams educated and staying updated on industry trends ensures that the full potential of first-party data is realized, optimizing both customer experiences and marketing ROI.


  • Understand the Value: Recognize first-party data as direct insights into customer behaviors and preferences.
  •  Audit Existing Data: Assess your current data’s sources, storage, and compliance with regulations.
  •  Invest in Technology: Use a CDP or similar system to organize and access your data.
  •  Prioritize Data Quality: Regularly update and cleanse your database for accuracy.
  •  Segment and Personalize: Tailor messaging by segmenting your audience based on their behaviors.
  •  Test and Optimize: Continuously refine your approach through A/B testing and analysis.
  •  Stay Compliant: Ensure data collection and usage align with global regulations.
  •  Educate Your Team: Train and update your team on the importance and usage of first-party data.
  •  Integrate Across Channels: Inform strategies across all channels for a cohesive customer experience.
  •  Evolve with the Industry: Stay updated with the latest trends and practices in data-driven marketing.


Today marketing ecosystems are complex and often customer data is in a lot of siloed places. The level of effort and the tools needed to support a first-party data strategy are directly related to the number of disparate data sources and the amount of customer data to manage. An audit of your customer data stores is a great place to start. By understanding the various types of data in your ecosystem that describe your customer, the variety of tools and volume of data can help kick start the path to first-party data strategy. Business models can help estimate the impacts you can achieve with a first party data drive strategy. For many organizations, the costs associated with building the infrastructure are negligible compared to even one point of improvement like return on advertising spend. It pays to do the analysis.

6. Looking ahead, how do you envision the role of first-party data evolving in the marketing landscape, and what trends should marketers be prepared to leverage in the coming years?

Jason: Looking forward to the future of marketing, the role of first-party data is poised to be even more central and transformative due to several trends and shifts. 

  • Privacy Regulations & Diminishing Cookies: As privacy concerns continue to drive global regulations and the deprecation of third-party cookies, first-party data will become the primary, trusted source of customer information. Marketers must become adept at navigating a world less reliant on third-party data.
  •  Personalization at Scale: Consumers increasingly expect hyper-personalized experiences. With first-party data, brands can deliver unique customer journeys, predicting needs and interests even before the consumer expresses them.
  •  AI and Machine Learning Integration: The next wave of marketing technologies will seamlessly integrate AI and machine learning to analyze vast amounts of first-party data. This will unlock new insights, drive automation, and create more tailored customer experiences.
  •  Omni-channel Strategies: First-party data will bridge the gap between online and offline experiences, ensuring consistent messaging and personalization across all touchpoints, from digital platforms to in-store interactions.
  •  Data Collaboration: As brands recognize the value of their data, we’ll see the rise of ‘data clean rooms’ and secure data collaboration platforms, allowing for privacy-safe data sharing and co-marketing opportunities without compromising individual user data.
  •  Sustainability and Ethical Considerations: Consumers will champion brands that use their data responsibly. Ethical use of first-party data, transparent communication about its usage, and ensuring sustainability in marketing practices will become competitive differentiators.
  •  Advanced Measurement & Attribution: As marketers lean more on first-party data, they’ll develop even more sophisticated models to understand the effectiveness of their campaigns across various channels, leading to better optimization and ROI.

First-party data is set to become the linchpin for brands, driven by stringent privacy regulations and the decline of third-party cookies. This invaluable asset will power hyper-personalized consumer experiences, integrate seamlessly with advanced AI technologies, and bridge the digital and physical worlds through omnichannel strategies. With the rise of data collaboration initiatives and a heightened emphasis on ethical data practices, marketers must prioritize transparent data use and advanced measurement techniques. As the importance of first-party data intensifies, brands should bolster their data management infrastructure and ensure their teams are well-equipped to leverage their full potential.