blue and white plastic bottle

Toothpaste Facts about Retail Brands

August 22, 2023

Toothpaste facts teach us how as soon as we are old enough, brushing our teeth is the most important part of oral health. The mantra “brush your teeth twice a day” becomes ingrained in our minds. But have you ever stopped to ponder the significance and history of the very product you use for this daily ritual? Join me as we delve into the world of toothpaste, its ancient origins, and its modern implications.

Toothpaste: An Ancient Practice

Contrary to popular belief, toothpaste isn’t a modern-day invention. The ancient Egyptians, around 3,000 to 5,000 BC, made concoctions using ingredients like ox hooves, eggshells, and pumice to cleanse their teeth. Greeks, Romans, and the Chinese followed suit with similar practices, some even using urine due to its teeth cleaning properties. The central idea across ages was to use an abrasive substance to clean the teeth and herbs to freshen the breath.

However, mass-produced toothpaste in familiar tubes only made its debut in the 1890s, thanks to Colgate. This marked the democratization of oral hygiene. By 2020, the toothpaste industry had ballooned to $30 billion, with over 90% of Americans regularly using toothpaste.

toothpaste facts

The Age of Cavities: Modern Diet and Oral Health

Although our ancient ancestors had rudimentary dental care tools, many reportedly had better teeth than today’s population. Their secret? Diet. Their consumption mainly comprised of meat, vegetables, and nuts. This natural diet was low in carbs and sugars, which are now identified as significant contributors to dental issues.

Our dietary shift, particularly since the agricultural revolution, has had a detrimental impact on our dental health. The introduction of farming meant consuming more processed foods and carbohydrates, which essentially fed the harmful bacteria in our mouths, leading to tooth decay.

Understanding Bacteria and Diet

Bacteria play a vital role in our overall health. However, they need to be in balance. The rise in our consumption of certain foods like rice, corn, and wheat promotes bacteria like streptococcus, the main contributor to tooth decay. Our over-reliance on a handful of staples and processed foods has changed the biodiversity of our mouths and bodies.

Toothpaste: The Savior?

To combat the effects of our modern diet, we turn to toothpaste. The common ingredients aim to remove plaque, strengthen enamel, and freshen breath. Among these, fluoride stands out as a prominent and controversial component. It’s known to prevent and even reverse tooth decay. However, the debate around its safety continues, with some linking it to various health concerns when ingested in large amounts.

Besides fluoride, most toothpaste contains colorants, preservatives, foaming agents, and even artificial sweeteners, leading to rising interest in natural alternatives.

Natural Toothpaste Facts: A Viable Option?

The natural toothpaste market has gained traction, offering products without fluoride and made from ingredients like activated charcoal and baking soda. While these ingredients have proven benefits, many dentists believe toothpaste with fluoride offers superior protection.

toothpaste facts

The Best Selling Toothpaste Brands

A radiant smile is a universal language. It’s one of the first things we notice about a person, and taking good care of our oral health is essential for ensuring a confident smile. At the heart of our oral care routine lies a humble yet powerful ally: toothpaste. With hundreds of brands available on the market, which ones truly stand out and why? Let’s delve into some of the best-selling toothpaste brands and what makes them so popular.

1. Colgate

Origin: USA (1806)

Perhaps one of the most globally recognized brands, Colgate, has maintained its stronghold for over two centuries. With a vast range of products targeting specific oral concerns like sensitivity, gum health, and whitening, it’s no surprise that this brand consistently tops the charts.

Standout Feature: Its continuous innovation. From the Total series that offers 12-hour germ protection to the Optic White line that promises a visibly whiter smile, Colgate constantly evolves to cater to varying dental needs.

2. Sensodyne

Origin: UK (1961)

Specifically formulated for those with sensitive teeth, Sensodyne has become a household name. It provides rapid relief from pain caused by sensitive teeth and offers lasting protection with regular use.

Standout Feature: The brand’s commitment to cater exclusively to dental sensitivity, with various formulations like Repair & Protect and Rapid Relief.

3. Crest

Origin: USA (1955)

Introduced by Procter & Gamble, Crest made waves by being one of the first toothpaste brands to effectively fight against cavities. Today, their range includes products for whitening, gum health, and enamel restoration.

Standout Feature: The introduction of Crest Whitestrips, an innovative teeth-whitening product, further cemented its position in the dental care industry.

4. Oral-B

Origin: USA (1950)

Initially known for its toothbrushes, Oral-B expanded into the toothpaste market with offerings that emphasize whole mouth health. Their toothpaste variants tackle a plethora of concerns from cavities and gum issues to enamel wear and sensitivity.

Standout Feature: Its partnership with dental professionals and associations, ensuring products that are trusted and recommended by dentists.

5. Pepsodent

Origin: USA (1915)

A classic that has stood the test of time, Pepsodent offers reliable oral care at an affordable price. With its recognizable minty flavor, it remains a favorite in many households.

Standout Feature: Its focus on affordability without compromising on quality.

6. Parodontax

Origin: Germany

For those specifically targeting gum health, Parodontax offers specialized toothpaste that fights against gum diseases like gingivitis. The unique formulation helps to stop and prevent bleeding gums.

Standout Feature: The brand’s specialized focus on gum health and its therapeutic approach.


The journey to a healthy smile is deeply personal, with different individuals having varying needs and concerns. The best toothpaste for you might differ from someone else based on your specific dental concerns. While the brands mentioned above are globally recognized and trusted, the key is to find a toothpaste that caters to your oral needs, and of course, a flavor you love!

The most potent weapon against dental issues, ironically, is not a product but our diet. Reducing sugar and processed food intake would significantly reduce our reliance on dental products. However, given our current dietary habits, fluoride toothpaste remains a recommended defense against tooth decay.

While everyone’s choice will differ based on personal beliefs, understanding the history, science, and options available empowers us to make informed decisions about our oral health. For more retail info about popular brands, check out our article about Wholefoods 365.