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Photo by Akshay Bandre on Unsplash

Dove Reveals New Body Wash Line

March 22, 2024

Dove, the renowned skincare brand, is stepping up its game in the body care department with its latest offering — the Serum Body Wash collection. This new line boasts nine different variants, each designed to target specific skin concerns. What’s more, they all come packed with Dove’s trademarked MicroMoisture technology, ensuring your skin gets the pampering it deserves.

Let’s delve into the specifics of each variant.

First up is the Hydration Boost, armed with a 6% hydrating serum infused with hyaluronic acid, perfect for quenching the thirst of dry skin. Then there’s the Acne Clear option, containing a 1% clearing serum enriched with salicylic acid, ideal for keeping pesky breakouts at bay.

For those yearning for a radiant glow, there’s the Glow Recharge, boasting a 3% brightening serum featuring vitamin C. Meanwhile, the Ultra Sensitive variant offers a gentle cleanse with its blend of 10 skin-loving ingredients, catering even to the most delicate skin types.

Eczema-prone skin can find relief with the Soothing Relief option, packed with a 5% nourishing serum rich in colloidal oatmeal. The Vitality Renewal variant steps in with a 4% restoring serum infused with collagen, ensuring your skin stays firm and supple.

Exfoliate Away does exactly what it says on the bottle, thanks to its 4% refining serum containing AHAs to polish the skin. The Melanin Even Tone variant, with its 5% ceramide boosting serum formulated with BHAs, helps restore natural tone. And lastly, Melanin Radiance, featuring a 5% ceramide boosting serum, is topped off with nourishing oils for that added glow.

Dove’s new Serum Body Wash line is readily available for purchase. You can grab yours online from retailers like Amazon, Walmart, and Target, or simply swing by your nearest Target store to get your hands on these skincare superheroes.

Since 1957, Dove has been committed to skincare, expanding its range to include deodorants, body washes, and more. Today, it’s one of Unilever’s top brands, valued at over €5 billion annually.

Dove’s values extend beyond beauty products; the brand opposes animal testing and champions sustainability. Initiatives like the Dove Self-Esteem Project promote body confidence, while campaigns like #ReverseSelfie tackle harmful social media trends.

With the introduction of its No Digital Distortion Mark and involvement in The CROWN Coalition, Dove continues to challenge beauty norms and advocate for inclusivity. From skincare to social impact, Dove is redefining beauty for generations to come.

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