Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Cell-Phone Home

The latest study shows a 29 percent growth rate for cell phone ownership over the past two years with almost two-thirds of American adults owning a cell phone, reports Scarborough Research.

Houston leads the nation with almost three-fourths of adults owning a cellular phone. Other high concentration cell phone ownership cities are Atlanta (73 percent), Honolulu (70 percent), Miami (69 percent) and Dallas (69 percent) – all above the national average of 62 percent.

Scarborough’s market trending data shows that in 1999, slightly less than half of American adults owned a cell phone. In 2000, 55 percent of U.S. adults owned a cell phone. All indicators demonstrate that the numbers will continue to grow since nine percent of American adults plan to purchase a cell phone in the next year.

Moderator Comment: What business opportunities are
identified in the findings of Scarborough’s latest study?

A man goes into a dark confessional, sees the little
slat open and begins telling his transgressions to a priest.

Confessor: “Father, I’ve been unfaithful to my wife.”

Priest: “Go on my son.”

Confessor: “I’ve been stealing money from my company.”

At that moment, a familiar chirping type of sound breaks
the sanctity of the confessional booth.

Priest: “Is that you or me?”

Confessor: “I don’t have my cell with me, Father.”

Priest: “Oh, okay. One moment please. Hello. Yeah listen,
I’m in the middle of a… Go on my son. I’m listening.”

Confessor: “Well, okay. Father, I have two plane tickets
and my lover and I are planning to run away this afternoon.”

Priest: “Jesus, she said what?”

Confessor: “Father?”

Priest: “She is so full of it. I never… ”

Confessor: “I’m having second thoughts though. Maybe,
I should just turn myself in and beg for my wife’s forgiveness and return all
the money I stole to my employer?”

Priest: “Now, listen. I don’t care if she is the Reverend
Mother… ”

Confessor: “Father, what should I do?”

Priest: “Go to hell!”

Confessor: “Father!!!?”

Priest: “Not you. Say three Hail Mary’s and two Our Fathers.
You’re absolved of your sins. Have a nice trip.”

Slat door closes.

Anderson – Moderator

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