Consumers Opt for Cheap Sneakers

Consumers are looking for simpler and less expensive, at least when it comes to sneakers and other athletic footwear, these days. According to a piece in The Los Angeles Times, ” sales of athletic shoes costing $150 or more plunged almost 41% in the first six months of 2002.”

The drop in the sale of high-end styles is linked to economic uncertainties and also to a consumer shift towards simpler designs. Consumers that previously bought sneakers with pumps, lights and various other enhancements have decided they just aren’t necessary anymore.

Moderator’s Comment: Is the consumer trend away from
the high-end in shoes indicative of purchasing decisions across the board? What
will it take before consumers revert to regularly buying super-premium and luxury
items again?

As one consumer in the LA Times piece put it, “Who cares
if they’re high-performance anyway? Why should I pay that much money for a shoe
to walk to the Safeway?” [George
Anderson – Moderator

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