McD’s Gets Active With Adult Happy Meal

By George Anderson

McDonald’s will do a national launch of its Go Active! Happy Meal for adults later this year, reports Reuters.

The Go Active! Meal comes with an entree-sized salad, a bottle of water or medium fountain drink plus a fitness guide and pedometer.

McDonald’s tested the adult Happy Meal concept, priced at $4.99, in 200 locations in Indiana.

Larry Light, global chief marketing officer for McDonald’s told Reuters, “All the research says I should be able to go to McDonald’s and have choices. We will have choices
of the best-selling ideas.”

Moderator’s Comment: How will McDonald’s keep its Go Active! Happy Meal concept fresh
to initiate repurchases?

Go Active! Sounds like a solid menu addition to us. What we’re not clear on is where does McDonald’s go after the fitness guide and pedometer? Kids often
want their Happy Meals because of the prize that comes with it. Adults only need so many pedometers.
Anderson – Moderator

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