Social influencers to find a home on Instagram’s new, longer video platform
Source: IGTV

Social influencers to find a home on Instagram’s new, longer video platform

Retailers would be wise to take notice of Instagram’s new longform video platform. The new app, called IGTV, is presumably Instagram’s attempt to snag some of YouTube’s market share. Content creators can share up to 60-minute long, full screen videos on IGTV — a big departure from the one-minute time limit on regular Instagram videos.

According to a recent IGTV press release: “You can swipe up to discover more [content] — switch between ‘For You,’ ‘Following,’ ‘Popular’ and ‘Continue Watching.’ You can also like, comment and send videos to friends in Direct.”

Although IGTV is technically a separate entity from Instagram, platform users can view videos on IGTV through the Instagram app. This means that Instagram’s online community of over one billion users will automatically be introduced to IGTV content without needing to download the additional app. 

IGTV will create another channel, outside of YouTube, for retailers and brands to employ storytelling and create new opportunities to sponsor lengthy video content from Instagram influencers. Since platform users can swipe up to discover more when watching a video on IGTV, retailers will be able to easily direct potential consumers to a place to purchase the products they see in the longform videos.

Since nobody wants to sit down and watch an hour of obvious advertising, retailers will need to take a subtler approach to in-app advertising. “This means you should create your Instagram content in advance,” Inc. advises, “and then look to release it at optimized times — when something related to what you do is trending, for example, or when you see an otherwise perfect window.”

When asked by Refinery29 how Instagram Live fits into the IGTV equation, platform co-founder Mike Krieger replied, “It’s something that came up when we were developing [IGTV]. I think we’re going to integrate them more over time. Right now, you can save your Live for 24 hours afterwards. I think figuring out how to blend that into IGTV better makes sense.”

Discussion Questions

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS: Do you think brands will be quick to adopt IGTV as a new marketing platform in addition to YouTube? Will IGTV change the way retailers sponsor influencer content? How important will longform video content become to marketers in coming years?


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Art Suriano
5 years ago

I see IGTV as a novel idea, but I don’t see it as the next big thing. We are continuing to realize that people are getting a little bored with all the social media opportunities because there’s too much and no one has the time to do it. So I don’t see retailers jumping on IGTV in a big way. But if they’re wise, they’ll keep their eye out to see how the public responds and be ready to jump in if and when it is necessary.

Brandon Rael
Active Member
5 years ago

The lines between social media, including video marketing and commerce, are blurring. It would be wise for retailers and marketers to capitalize on this paradigm shift, as Instagram and other platforms are rapidly moving to a video-first format that is resonating with the Millennial as well as Gen Z segments.

The traditional industrial advertising complex simply is not as effective as it was in years past. Social and now video channels are at the forefront of influencer marketing, which needs to be a top priority for all retail and service-oriented companies. The potential in this area is remarkable and will continue to grow.

With that said, Instagram’s long-form capabilities should help grow the platform beyond what it is today, as it will play a significant role in not only influencing consumers but also driving relationships between brands and consumers.

Joy Chen
Joy Chen
5 years ago

IGTV will benefit Instagram with an added video feature which is important to many influencers as they tell their stories. But unless there are added benefits of the video platform beyond what YouTube offers, it is difficult to see how this can be beneficial. How this new platform is received and accepted by influencers will determine how widely it will be used by retailers and brands.

Gene Detroyer
Noble Member
5 years ago

Someone is going to have to be much more creative than I to make this work. It seems to me, no matter how you turn this on its side, it is still a commercial. Aren’t we all trying to avoid commercials? People even pay to avoid commercials, no matter how engaging commercials might try to be.

Neil Saunders
Famed Member
5 years ago

As much as I think this is a good addition for Instagram, it comes at a time when the influencer trend is beyond its peak. Influencers will remain important in some areas, but they don’t have the traction they once did.

Sky Rota
5 years ago

Yes, I believe brands will jump at the new platform for advertising and it’s about time someone challenged YouTube’s monopoly on all the advertising dollars. However Instagram does not appeal to influencers at this present time as they didn’t develop a monetization program for them. No one wants to create more content for FREE! IGTV is probably figuring out how to censor videos in order to make advertisers happy from the start and not to have the mess Youtube went through. It’s going to be a match game for content and advertisers. #goodluckwiththat

Shep Hyken
Trusted Member
5 years ago

Intstagram has its community. With IGTV, brands (and individuals) have another audience to connect with via video. Short videos are chapters. Long videos can tell the entire story. That said, there’s an art to telling a story in under a minute. The longer videos are a luxury for brands to tell their story, but the short video can have the punch a longer video won’t create. Remember — good things come in small packages. And once you get the consumer with the shorter video, they are more likely to watch the longer videos.

Ralph Jacobson
5 years ago

The most innovative brands are already seizing this opportunity. This is where your audience is. Be there. Now!

Ricardo Belmar
Active Member
5 years ago

For brands that already have an audience on Instagram, it will make sense to leverage IGTV. I expect most brands will at least give it a try although long-form video isn’t the same as designing 1-minute commercial formats. While opening a new realm of creativity for brands here, how will they differentiate this content from their YouTube content? I suspect a number of brands will try to leverage existing YouTube content on IGTV to get started, but consumers will get wise to this approach quickly and in today’s social media frenzy, it’s tough for brands to get a second chance!


"Instagram's long-form capabilities should help grow the platform beyond what it is today,"

Brandon Rael

Strategy & Operations Transformation Leader

"Yes, I believe brands will jump at the new platform for advertising and it’s about time someone challenged YouTube’s monopoly."

Sky Rota


"...unless there are added benefits of the video platform beyond what YouTube offers, it is difficult to see how this can be beneficial."

Joy Chen

Chairman & CEO, H2O+Beauty